What usage characteristics do shared rechargeables need to have to stand out among shared products?

What usage characteristics do shared rechargeables need to have to stand out among shared products?

First. More outlets, can be returned off-site

This is one of the highlights of the shared rechargeable battery that is different from other shared products. The nationwide return of the rechargeable battery to other places without any limitation.

Second.II. Independent setting of lease price

We will find that the rental prices of the same brand of shared rechargeable devices all vary. For example, in a shopping mall, the rental price of shared rechargeable devices is 2 yuan for one hour and capped at 20 yuan for a single day in the clothing district on the third floor, and the rental price of shared rechargeable devices is 1.5 yuan for half an hour and capped at 30 yuan for a single day in front of the Seabed restaurant store on the seventh floor.

This is one of the characteristics of shared rechargeables. Independent stores can set prices independently for a single device. But not for other shared products, most of which are priced regionally and billed by the hour, with no single-day cap rule.

Third. Stable and sustainable earnings

If the merchant does not open the door. At most, there will be no revenue loss. While the usage cycle of shared rechargeable battery is more than 5 years. Rechargeable battery can replace every 2 years.

Compared with other sharing products, the revenue of shared rechargeable battery is more stable and the profit cycle is longer.