What is the best entrepreneurship program for young people?
If you are searching for the best entrepreneurship program for young people or youth then you should try Maytree School || sharing power bank
Long-ish answer so TL;DR: Staying in school and getting a job is much less risky than becoming an entreprenuer.
30%[1]–80%[2]of businesses fail in the first two years. Some sources say 96%[3]fail within ten years.
So yes, entrepreneurship is an inherently risky option. Especially if you’re unskilled and inexperienced, as you mentioned.
There’s good reason university is the more trodden path, despite what those business guys (who are trying to sell you a program) on youtube and facebook say.
(Aus. Statistics) 70%[4]of uni grads find full time employment within four months of graduating. Of course, this varies based on the degree, from 46%[5](arts) to 95+%[6](pharmacy).

So what should you do?
My opinion: Get educated. Get a job. Gain experience. Once you’ve established youself somewhat, if you have an idea or passion you wish to pursue. Test the water on the side. If the market responds well, then you can consider taking leave to test further. And finally, resign from your job to go all in.
This is probably the safest. Most risk averse way to go about it (other than just never leaving your career at all). This way you (hopefully) won’t be left stranded in case things go bad. And you still have your education and experience to fall back on if, as statistics would predict, your business fails.
Of course, if you’re not concerned about risk, can afford to sacrifice some time and are super keen to get into it, by all means, go ahead and start your business today.
I wish you good fortune and all the best in your endeavours.