How to properly use portable energy storage power
Portable energy storage power supply is loved by everyone because of its small size, easy to carry, basically meet the environmental requirements. Can meet the power needs of outdoor power equipment. In addition to as a supplement to some common outdoor motor vehicle power. But also for, projector, outdoor live, audio and other entertainment equipment power supply, increase the RV travel experience. So how to properly use portable energy storage power supply.
Outdoor power supply should be stored in a well-ventilated place to ensure that it does not affect the normal use in the future. Avoid humid environment and long-term exposure to the sun, and avoid contact with corrosive substances. Do not put in a high-temperature environment or fireside baking, or exposure to the sun. Do not put in water or outdoor rain.
Please do not throw, hit or violently rub the product. Avoid abnormal phenomena such as dents, perforations, cracks, deformations and corrosion. If the above situation occurs. Please stop using immediately, which will certainly lead to the battery in the use of safety hazards.

Storage temperature of outdoor power supply varies with storage time
Please use the charging cable configured by this machine. If we use to carry out the configuration other than the management method or power supply work way to charge the outdoor power supply. If you can use as well as other educational ways to charge the product, before use. Please carefully analyze and read the outdoor power technology products need to be equipped with the use of the manual. In the case of outdoor power supply not often through use. It should remember to charge and discharge once every March to extend the service life of the power supply. If you do not need mobile power for a long time, good to set aside more than 50% of the power for data storage outdoor power supply.
Can not carry out long-term use in a low-temperature working environment. The use of temperature in -10 ℃ -40 ℃ appropriate. When using can try to be able to avoid some outdoor power in the sun exposure leads to students power overheating. Overheating development affects a power management use. Please do not shake the outdoor power at will violently. Prone to lead to young children outdoor power in the lithium core internal control structure misalignment. Resulting in short circuit, burn the battery