What is the difference between a shared power bank agent and a merchant?

Role and Responsibilities:
Agent: The agent is mainly responsible for promoting the shared power bank brand, establishing and maintaining cooperative relationships,
Merchant: Merchants directly operate and manage the specific business of sharing power banks, such as setting up power bank rental points, managing equipment maintenance, and handling user services. Merchants usually sign contracts with power bank brands or agents to acquire a certain number of devices and carry out localized operations.

scope of business:
Agency: The scope of agency business is usually broad, which may involve market promotion in multiple cities or regions, with a focus on brand expansion and agency management.
Merchants: The business scope of merchants is usually concentrated in specific stores or areas, focusing on specific device management and daily operations.

Source of income:
Agency: The income of an agency mainly comes from the commission or share specified in the agency contract, and the income level may be linked to the promotion effect and business volume.
Merchant: The merchant’s income comes from direct rental or service fees, and the level of income depends on the frequency of device usage and management efficiency.

Investment and Risk:
Agency: Agency requires a significant investment of resources in market promotion and partnership building, and faces risks including market competition and brand maintenance.
Merchants: Merchants need to invest funds to purchase equipment, set up rental points, and provide maintenance services, and the main risks they face are equipment management and user service issues.

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